Saturday 26 April 2008

aikido techniques

Some of the Most Efficient Aikido Techniques

Aikido originated as a martial art sometime in the early half of the 20th century. The martial art was created by Morihei Ueshiba and it was borne out of his search for a technique that provided contentment and satisfaction technically and spiritually at the same time.

Aikido Techniques

The word Aikido derives from the three words Ai, Ki and Do. These three words mean joining, spirit and way in the same order. What Aikido is therefore is a way of joining the spirit and body together in order to find the way or the path.

Different moves of techniques and moves exist in this far eastern discipline. The basic structure of the martial art comes from the throws and locks in another martial art called Jujitsu and the different movements of martial artists when they fight with swords as well as spears.

This far eastern martial art has many techniques and moves. Its basic structure comes from the throws and locks found in jujitsu and also from the movements that experts do when they are fighting with swords and spears.

These are the basic movements of this martial art.


The primary technique in Aikido is the Ikkyo; it is a technique where control is achieved with the use of the hand at a position near the elbow and another close to the wrist. This sort of grip also applies pressure to the ulna which is located in the middle part of the arm.


The Nikyo is the second Aikido technique. It is characterized by a wristlock that twists your arm and applies painful pressure to the nerve located there as well.

The third technique of Aikido uses what is known as a pronating move. What this sort of move does is that it directs upward tension all the way through the arm, elbow and the shoulder.

Aikido Techniques


This fourth of all the Aikido basic movements uses a shoulder based control movement similar to Ikkyo but without gripping the forearm. The knuckles instead apply pressure on the radial nerve.


This fifth technique is a variant of the Ikkyo technique. When the wrist is gripped here it is then inverted and twisted for maximum effect.

Aikido protective moves

These are some of the moves that can be used to disable your opponent.

Kotogaeshi - In English this is known as a wrist return. This move uses the wristlock as a beginning move and stretches it up for a throw using the extensor digitorum.

Iriminage - This move is known as the entering body throw. The practitioner who is called the Nage can then move into the space where the Uke or opponent is. This move is also similar to the clothesline technique.

Shihonage- this is the four-direction throw, wherein the hand is folded back past the shoulders and then afterwards locking the joints in the shoulder

Kaitennage- called the rotation throw, in Kaitennage, the practitioner or the nage will move the arm backwards until the shoulder joints are locked. He will then use this position to add pressure.

Jujinage- this is the throw that is characterized by a throw that locks the arms together. This is called shape like a 10 throw because of its cross-shape, which looks like 10 in kanji.

Aikido Techniques

Kokyunage - This is known as the breath throws and it refers to various sets of timing throws used to handle combatants.

Koshinage - This move is Aikido versions of the hip throw where a person simply drops his hips a little lower than the Uke or his opponent. He will use the fulcrum to then flip his opponent.

Tenchinage - This is termed the heaven and earth throw because the hands are kept at different levels in order to execute the throw. The practitioner can then grab both wrists and use the forward movement to grab the persons hand low and the other hand high. This move will then unbalance the Uke which then forces him to topple over.

Darren Williger is an over-caffeinated, low carbohydrate eating, winemaking enthusiast who writes for,, and

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